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Ep 175 – Liz’s Lucky Scarf
Knitting, gin, books and a lucky scarf This week’s show is dedicated to Liz Marley aka @greensideknits, dear friend and listener of the podcast. An epic knitter and all round awesome, kind and witty person who will be very sadly missed. General Update There’s a general update to get us started, with the tale of...
Ep 172 – Great Yarns For Baby and Kids Knits
Great Yarns For Baby and Kids Knits Following on from ep 171, today we are covering some of my go-to yarns for baby and kids knits. Split into 3 sections, we’ll cover 4ply, DK and patterned yarns, at a variety of price points. There are also different fibres covered, so if you don’t like animal...
Ep 171 – Knitting Patterns For New Babies
Knitting Patterns For New Babies I’m now an Auntie! And that means I actually need to produce some knitwear for the little fella. As such, it seemed a good idea to talk about good knitting patterns for new babies. Some hand-me-down hand knits from Sanimal that were knitted by my Mother-in-Law have already been sent...
Ep 170 – Knitting Trends for 2021
What will be the knitting trends for hand knitters in 2021? Not that I am in any way an authority on the finer points of craft fashion and popularity, but these are my predictions for what will be the knitting trends for 2021. Knitting Trends For 2021 1. Intarsia It’s not the first time Intarsia...
Ep 169 – Knitting Challenges For 2021
Knitting Challenges for 2021 It’s a new year so naturally, there’s a lot of chat around about challenges, projects and planning. Today’s episode is about knitting challenges. Are you taking part in any for 2021? Don’t worry if you aren’t; hopefully this episode will still be useful for you, and there is no lack-of-challenge shaming!...
Ep 167 – A Pod of Christmas Past
Funny Christmas Knitting Patterns Funny Christmas knitting patterns are order of the day. This week we take a trip down memory lane to 2014, and a pattern pick I originally recorded for A Playful Day podcast. It’s a Christmas themed one, and it – of course – contains some great comedy knitting patterns. There’s also...
Ep 166 – A Scotch Egg is Not a Substantial Knit
A Scotch Egg to Knit? A Scotch Egg is not a substantial knit. Today’s episode is once again inspired by the creative blessing that is Lockdown 2020. We’re in Tier 3 – STILL – in the North West of England and going to the pub is a distant summer memory. But for those lucky people...
Ep 165 – Getting Rid of Moths in Knitwear
Moths in Knitwear Moths in knitwear is every knitter’s worst nightmare. In this episode, I cover some of the telltale signs of moths, and how to get rid of them. Types of moths in the UK There are only two types of moths in the UK that eat clothes. The Case Bearing Clothes Moth has...
Ep 164 – Knitted Wreaths For Christmas
Knitted Wreaths For Christmas With all the joy sucked out of life at the moment, it’s time to turn festive up to 11! As a massive Christmas fan, I’m always one to have the real tree picked out, chopped down and in the house by the last week in November. This year, I’m planning to...
Ep 163 – Delicious Little Joys
Delicious Little Joys The #DeliciousLittleJoysKAL is coming! Having not hosted a KAL for a long time, I was inspired to do one given we are now in the second, not that exciting sequel to the original lockdown part one. Delicious little joys is the theme and the idea is to embrace the idea of looking...
Ep 162 – The Boyfriend Sweater Curse
The Sweater Curse You may or may not have heard before about the infamous folklore that is the Boyfriend Sweater Curse, also known as The Sweater Curse. The Love Sweater Curse occurs when a knitter undertakes to knit a jumper for a significant other, and this leads to the breakdown of the relationship – sometimes...
Ep 161 – Colourwork Sock Inspiration
Colourwork Sock Inspiration Socktober continues to inspire in this episode. Colourwork socks are always pretty impressive. Whilst they are on the trickier side of sock knitting, they are with the effort. Ten of the best colourwork sock patterns made it into this episode’s pattern pick for your Socktober inspiration. Shinybees Podcast Club Don’t forget to...
Ep 160 – Dorset Buttons with Tania Ashton Jones of TJ Frog
Dorset Buttons with Tania Ashton Jones Tania Ashton Jones of TJ Frog joins me to talk all about Dorset Buttons. Tania and I met a few years ago when she was at the start of her business journey in the yarn world. Prior to this Tania served in the Royal Navy for 22 years. She...
Ep 159 – Socktober, the Month of Socks
Socktober, the Month of Socks Socktober lends its inspiration this week, where I have a rundown of ten previous banging’ Shinybees episodes that cover some great sock themed content. There are a couple of interviews, as well as some expert advice from Clare Devine on the Sock Surgery, all handily signposted from this episode. I...
Ep 158 – You Forget What You Know
When it comes to knitting resources, you often forget what you know. That is to say, that what might seem blindingly obvious to you, or so easy you can’t believe nobody else finds it a breeze, might be something you need to share with the world. After sharing the Knitty First Fall collection in the...
Ep 157 – The RAF Comforts Committee
The RAF Comforts Committee The RAF Comforts Committee was formed by the Air Council in October 1939 to determine the type and quantities of ‘knitted comforts’ required for the RAF as well as arrange for their collection, storage and distribution through their depots. Inspired by a random eBay purchase of an RAF Comforts Committee pin...
Ep 152 – Choose Your Own Adventure
Choose Your Own Adventure with your Knitting This week there’s a new home for the podcast community on the horizon. There’s a lot of chat about that – and about the general negativity of social media in general. The podcast is intended to be a fun and uplifting experience, so I am reluctant to bring...
Ep 151 – Going Local
Introduction Going local is the inspiration for this week’s show, where we talk about extending choosing local beyond yarn choices. We’re back after a regrettable rain and laptop-based accident, which caused an unplanned break in the schedule. If you decide to do yoga outside, remember to bring your computer back in when you are finished....
Ep 150 – Gone to Rats
This week’s episode is a little later than normal due to the ongoing issues with Ravelry, which has meant I wasn’t able to release the content I had planned for this show. As yet, it’s not safe for some of my listeners over at Ravelry, so I’m not linking in any further posts on this...
Ep 149 – Embracing Long Term WIPs for Mojo Return
Long Term WIPs I’ve dug up some long term WIPs this week, and it has heartily revived my knitting mojo! Thirteen weeks, stuck at home, on my own with two children. I never thought I would have to do this amount of time on my own with kids ever. Not without some kind of park...
Ep 148 – StashFit
Stash Fit Today, we’re talking about StashFit. A Full and Complete destash was considered in Ep 146, which may or may not have been a mid-Corona crisis. This week I review a method for creating a stash that fits. It’s not some ghastly attempt at enforcing small stashed and yarn diets – far from it. StashFit is a...
Ep 147 – Knitting For Comfort
Some patterns to comfort or soothe might be what you need right now. This episode has five patterns with that cosy, comforting feeling for you to check out. First of all, I’m horrified by the recent events in the US. I know there are many people of colour out there in our podcast community that...
Ep 146 – Life Audit aka What Happens When You Consider and Full and Complete Destash
Have you ever considered a complete destash? As in, getting rid of all your stash, totally, and starting again from scratch? Or not starting again? In this episode Jo confesses to having more than a passing consideration for getting rid of all of her painstakingly-assembled-over-nine-years-and-three-continents stash. It’s triggered somewhat of a life audit in other...
Ep 145 – Cats to Knit and Crochet
Cats to knit and crochet is the theme this week. We’re all about the cats. Despite being a non-cat lover, it is hard to deny that there are some great patterns out there for cat themed – well – everything! Whether you are looking for knitting or crochet, fine yarn to heavy yarn or even...
Ep 144 – Stay on the (Kitty) Couch
Cat couches have been the order of the week here after the discovery of several patterns to crochet one of these beauties for your very own feline. No need for your cat to scratch the living daylights out of your furniture any more! Simple crochet a cat couch and all your problems will disappear. Or...
Ep 143 – Useful Resources For Beginner Knitters
Have you been asked about resources for beginner knitters since lockdown? This episode contains a compilation of my favourites, assembled with ease of understanding and learning in mind. They cover a range of abilities, from starting to knit through to more advanced techniques. Resources For Beginner Knitters Staying home has encouraged a wave of new...
Ep 142: Eat, Sleep, Knit, Repeat
Today we’re having a bit of a catch up, with some knitty chatter along with some discussion of recent reads during lockdown. I’m also gardening quite a lot at the moment, although not always making great choices when it comes to plant acquisition (smelly Buxus, anyone?). As there hasn’t been a lot of actual knitting...
Ep 141 – Methods for Repairing Hand Knit Socks
Today’s episode is all about repairing hand knit socks. I have a pair of socks that I have accidentally worn through the heel of, and I wanted to repair them. I’ve collated some resources and options for repairing knitted items. Lockdown Life If you’re struggling with existential crises/dread/ennui as a result of over-thinking everything, Dr...
Ep 140: Knit Accessories, Essentials and Variations
Today there is a review of Knit Accessories: Essentials and variations as well as some DK pattern ideas for sweaters and some random chat. Finding the Knitting Mojo in COVID Chaos I have found my way back to my knitting this week. This may have been due to admitting I was struggling with finding the...
Ep139 – New Normal
Getting used to a new normal is tricky. This week has been challenging for most people and today there is a little bit of chat about that, along with a review of Wist Tha Bahn by Joy McMillan. New Normal It’s been a hard week for most people I think, and in this episode there...
Ep 138 – Can’t Think of a Title
Hello and welcome to another slightly strange episode of the Shinybees podcast. This episode has not followed my usual inspiration and research process and I think at the moment, that’s ok. I have some knitting patterns for you today, and I will be talking a bit about what I’m up to. I’m going to try...
Ep 137 – On the Run From the Corona
It’s been a while since I was last behind the mic, owing to some unexpected turns of events and globetrotting. All is fine now, though, and I am back in the UK, with some podcasting equipment and able to record and speak to you again. This episode is a quick catch up, with a little...
Ep 136 – Yarn Advent Calendars aka What to Knit With A Load of Mini Skeins
Yarn Advent Calendars Yarn Advent Calendars have become increasingly popular in the past couple of years as a more fibre-orientated alternative to the traditional chocolate. Often, a kit that is specially made by an indie dyer will come with a pattern for the yarn. But what if you don’t like it, or you don’t have...
Ep 135 – Hat In A Weekend
Hat in a Weekend I recently decided to try and knit a hat in a weekend. Consequently, it inspired this episode. Partly prompted by a sudden ten degree drop in temperature here (doesn’t a chill in the air make you want to cast on all the things?) the weather inspired me to look for a...
Ep 134 – Turn the Wheel
After a longer than expected podbreak, Jo is back and talking about turning the wheel when life gets in the way of creativity. Sometimes you just need to get the things done and that doesn’t always leave a lot left over for your craft, and that’s ok. Sometimes, you just need to eat some Malva...
Ep 132 – Stolen Stitches with Carol Feller
Carol Feller joins me on the show this week, sharing her journey into knitwear design. Carol Feller (StolenStiches.com) is a designer, teacher, and author living in Cork, Ireland. She has published almost 270 patterns and 7 books, including Short Row Knits (Pottercraft) and Contemporary Irish Knits (Wiley), and is a popular instructor on Craftsy.com with...
Ep 131 – How To Get The Most From A Knitting Show
Got yarn show plans for 2019? Are you a show veteran? or have you never been to a show? Somewhere in between? In this episode I share some top tips for getting the most out of attending yarn shows, including where to find which ones are happening. Looking at why you want to attend (social,...
Ep130 – Daria Rakowski of Cloud 9 Fiberworks
Daria Rakowski is our guest today to discuss widely varying subjects from eyelash yarn merkins(!) to an overview of the Canadian yarn industry. Cloud 9 Fiberworks Daria is the creative genius behind Cloud 9 Fiberworks, and is based in Winnipeg in Canada. Originally, she indulged in her love of yarn as a child. She would...
Ep129 – Knitting Trends for 2019
Five Knitting Trends for 2019 What will be the five big trends for knitting in 2019? In this episode I share what I think will be the five top trends for the hand knitting world in 2019. Based on what has gone prior and general observation of content and social media, I have picked out...
Ep 128 – Planning a Year of Knitting
Do You Plan Your 2019 Knitting? It’s always a popular time to plan your projects for the coming new year, but do you really need to? MakeNine2019 Are you taking part in this project? It’s an ongoing challenge where you choose 9 projects to make in 2019 and then review your progress at the end...
Ep127 – Christmas Jumpers
Christmas Jumpers Love them or hate them, Christmas Jumpers are everywhere at this time of year. Christmas Jumper Day is 14th December and in today’s episode, I’m running through your different options when it comes to embracing this staple of the festive season. Prompted by a social media post from @fash_rev about the Brits’ obsession...
Ep 126 – A Hat For Every Eventuality
Everyone needs more knitted hats in their life, and today I share seven pattern ideas for hats. I’ve been out of knitting sorts lately and attempting a new hat is just the ticket to get back into it. I’ve gone through a tricky time recently and I wanted to find a way to order my...
Ep 125 – Hawkshaw Sheep with Sue Horn
Sue Horn of Hawkshaw Sheep in the Scottish Borders is our guest on the show today. She shares the ups and downs of being a shepherdess, creating your own yarns and fabrics and farm life. Ever wondered what it is like to commission your own yarns? Sue shares how she decided to produce yarn, as...
Ep 124 – Yarnporium Fun
Yarnporium 2018 is reviewed on this episode of the podcast, where I give you a rundown of the event which took place at Westminster Central Hall in November. Hosted by the fabulous ladies of Yarn in the City, Allison Thistlewood and Rachel Brown, this was a fabulous event which brought together some of the best...
Ep 123 – Strange Brew
This week we review the new Tin Can Knits collection – Strange Brew. It’s a knitwear collection that embraces everything colour work for the whole family. There’s some knitty news and an update on School Council gate.
Ep 122 – Isn’t It About Time We Put a Stop to All This Nonsense?
Sometimes, when something really gets to you because of its inherent unfairness and solid foundations in utter bollocks, you need to speak out. This episode is one of those times. In a departure from the usual format, this week we share the story of a small girl who wanted to be on the school council....
Ep 121 – Holiday Knitting
How to decide what knitting to take when travelling? How do you decide what holiday knitting to take with you when you travel? Do you spend more time choosing what yarn to take than which clothes to pack? This week we tackle the thorny subject of holiday/travel knitting. A source of much anguish for the...
Ep 120 – Rusty Ferret with Leona Jayne of Fluph
Leona Jayne Page, Rusty Ferret Dyer and owner of Fluph in Dundee It’s a chatty and fun episode today with the enigmatic Leona Jayne Page of Rusty Ferret/Fluph. Voted back onto the show as a guest for the second time, Leona tells us about how she moved from yarn shop owner into hand dyer. You...
Ep 119 – Yarn Shops in Shanghai
Shanghai is the destination for this week’s podcast. I take a trip to not one, but two yarn shops in Shanghai to check out the local knitting scene and the yarns on offer. News Podcast Theme Music Many listeners have emailed me to ask about the theme tune for the podcast and where it can...
Ep 118 – British Wool, Labelling and Sourcing with Joy McMillan of The Knitting Goddess
Joy McMillan of The Knitting Goddess joins the show today to talk about how her business has moved towards sourcing solely British and some very local yarns. Topics discussed include the difference between British and British Overseas Territory when it comes to yarn, mislabelling of yarns, wanton misrepresentation of yarns as British and what you...
Ep 117 – Far East Adventures
This week is a bit of a catch up as I share my Far East adventures so far. I’m in China, and I share some of the funnier/more unusual observations I’ve made so far being here, including crotchless baby clothes, sleeping in public and appreciative eating. Also involved is a marching column of riot police....
Ep 116 – Return to Shetland with Susan Crawford
Susan Crawford of Susan Crawford Vintage joins me this week and we take a journey through the past three years since Ep55. In that episode, Susan talked about the Pubslush (crowdfunded publishing) campaign she was undertaking to print pre-orders of the book. She also described at length, the painstaking process she had been through the...
Ep 115 – Phone Down, Knitting Up
Where do you lose knitting time and how can you go about carving out more time to do it? In this week’s episode, I talk about the idea of cutting out mindless phone scrolling time to increase your knitting time, and the associated benefits of doing so. News If you’ve been hiding under a rock,...
Ep 114 – Yarn Snob
Yarn Snob Yarn Snob. For some it’s worn as a badge of honour and for others, it’s the worst thing in the world, but what exactly is a yarn snob? And why are we talking about it on today’s podcast? Well, it’s a word that is thrown around the bazaars quite a bit, and it’s...
Ep 113 – Woollinn Dublin
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ custom_padding=”54px|0px|54px|0px|false|false”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.47″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.47″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”] Dublin is the destination for this week’s show, specifically Woollinn, Dublin’s Festival of Yarn. It’s a new show format, where you can join me and (lots of) friends live-ish from Woollinn in Dublin. The festival took place at the...
Ep 112 – Knit Share Love with Clare Devine
Clare Devine | Knit Share Love Clare Devine of #KnitShareLove rejoins me on the podcast this week, as we catch up with her after quite a while since her Sock Surgery days on the show. Clare is in Australia, the country where her knitting adventure began, at that time, she was in a totally-unsuitable-for-knitting Broome....
Ep111 – Assmimilating New Knitters
How do we get the entire world knitting? It’s a mission of mine to get everyone knitting. Today, we discuss the five pillars of knitter assimilation: Marketing Self-belief Tools and Materials Medium and motivation Access to decent resources Of course, this is the Shinybees Pentagon of Knitting Assimilation and I think these are the things...
Ep 110 – An Interview with Jane Murison of Yarnison
Jane Murison of Yarnison joins the show this week, talking about knitwear design, fish and chips and the urban landscape as an inspiration. Jane began designing a couple of years ago, and has several knitting patterns now, that are a homage to the post industrial landscape of Manchester, that she sees every day on her...
Ep109 – Hidden Heels with Mitch of Surfing Ducks
Are you going to Woollinn? Woollinn will be taking place in Dublin on 25th-27th May 2018. I’m venturing over there on a blue and white winged chariot for the event and I would love to meet as many listeners as possible. Please let me know if you will be attending. Also, there is a great...
Ep108 – Speckled Yarn – So Hot? Or So Not?
Speckled Yarn – So Hot Right Now? A Hot Potato? Speckled yarn is the marmite of the knitting world right now. Outrageously popular, thanks to patronage by the likes of Stephen West and Andrea Mowry, speckles are so hot right now. Or are they? What Do The Shinybees Community Think About Speckled Yarn? A straw...
Ep107- Sh*t Tea and Tray Bake with Countess Ablaze
Where shit tea, tray bake and exposure collide! Lyndsey aka Countess Ablaze joins me this week for a chat about issues facing us crafters and business owners. A recent recipient of an offer of ‘exposure’ as payment, along with some fairly misogynistic stereotyping of her customer base, The Countess decided to take a stand against...
Episode 104: Your Permission Is Not Required
Permission. You don’t need it from anyone to enjoy your hobbies, especially and most particularly if that hobby is knitting.
Episode 103: Active Stash Exploration
The first show of 2017 brings the project of the year for podcast to you. This year, we’re all about Active Stash Exploration. What’s that you say? It’s definitely not cold sheeping, that is for sure. First up we have a quick catch up on happenings, before diving in to some news both for the...
Episode 102: On The Edge Of Something Magical
Intro It’s been a little while that I have been on sabbatical, but I am once again back behind the mic and with you. There’s been lots of things ongoing behind the scenes here at Shiny Heights, preparing the new house and getting settled. I’m very much enjoying our new surroundings and hope to have...
Episode 101: No Dalmatians Required
Listen Here Intro Welcome back after a short break to the podcast. I’m deee-lighted to be back with you once again, as I have missed you terribly during the break. Having hoped to have moved by now, I am still, sadly, in the same house, but hopefully moving next week. So, I know you’re all...
Episode 100: The Great Shinybees Hexipuff Amnesty
Intro Here we are folks and who’d have thunk it: A tonne! From my South African garage to my Wigan spare bedroom – with a couple of amazing awards in between – over the course of 4 years. Â A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for all the support. A couple...
Episode 99: When Pokemon Go and Yarn Collide
Listen Here Intro First and foremost I need you all to know that I have penned my letter to last episode’s feckless judge. I shall let you know what his response is, should he dare to make one. The big news this week is that I am selling my moneypit aka my house. Anyone for...
Episode 98: Knitting in the News
Listen Here Intro Few thoughts on news items this week, I’m feeling all topical. Think Mock the Week meets Nevermind the Buzzcocks but with only one panelist and three knitty stories… Before we get going though I want to remind you that I am still preparing for Episode 100 and so am open to any...
Episode 97: Best UK Podcast of 2016
Listen Here Intro So here we are at the start of our fortnightly releases – missed me?? I can’t believe how close we are to the big 1-0-0 now. Given how busy I am of late my creative juices are flowing a little slower so if you have any ideas/requests about how we should celebrate...
Episode 96: This Thing of Paper – An Interview with Karie Westermann
Intro Straight into the news this week as I have so much of it. Firstly, I want to thank you all for your wonderful positive feedback on last week’s episode and my time with Countess Ablaze. A lot of the feedback was around how well she copes with her autism, and how it doesn’t stop...
Episode 95: Orange Mocha Frappucino with Countess Ablaze
Intro Hola everyone, I am back from my ‘holiday’. Don’t let the flippant Spanish there throw you off, I’ve not been anywhere and haven’t even had time to knit! In fact I’m still knitting the lace panel for #RewindKAL. Been very busy with other things and Casa Shiny is like a madhouse as usual...
New Media Europe Awards
I have some great news! The podcast has made it through to the finals of the New Media Europe Awards in two categories: Best UK Podcast and Audience Appreciation Award. Thank you to everyone who voted for the podcast in the first round. The second round of voting is taking place via Twitter and here’s...
Episode 93 – Alpaca Love
Listen Here Intro These hot temperatures are having some side effects, I need to open my windows for survival. That means the choice between some potential atmospheric background noise or an unconscious host. I’ve soldiered on in the belief that I’m pretty pivotal to this podcast and chosen the former. As summer approaches we are...
Episode 92: Midwinter Yarns – An Interview with Estelle Faust
Listen Here Intro I am delighted to welcome Estelle this week. I always enjoy the Midwinter Yarns stalls and particularly their banter so I was thrilled when she agreed to be interviewed on the show…twice. For those who are not familiar with them they are into traditional, robust yarn but with a modern style –...
Episode 91: Is that it?
Listen Here Intro I’ve had lots of happy messages this week, which is nice. First off, LJ is alive, arse and all, and managed to run the whole ruddy thing. Amongst my other lovely messages was one that particularly made me smile. It was from Lisa and made me realise that we need to relax...
Episode 90: Curious Handmade- An interview with Helen Stewart
Listen Here Intro So first things first, my mental and yet fabulous (obviously) assistant LJ is running the London marathon this weekend. She has broken her arse as a result of yarn fumes, sort of, so listen in for the full comedy breakdown of the incident. If you should take pity on the poor maniac...
Episode 89: Paula Abdul Would Be Proud
listen Here Intro This wee’s episode is a little later than planned but here nonetheless. Paula Abdul discussed the concept of two steps forward and two back. If you’ve not heard ‘Opposites Attract’ for a while, I bring it to you for your listening delight.
Episode 88: The Wool Kitchen – An Interview with Helen Reed
Listen Here Intro A short intro this week as the old croaky voice is threatening a return. This week I am thrilled to bring you the other half of my Best in Show EYF winning double act – Helen from The Wool Kitchen. She is from the wrong side of the Pennines but a good...
Episode 87: Travelknitter- An Interview with Larissa
Listen Here Intro I hope we are all enjoying the change in weather…she says whilst looking at today’s snow. Before we get going I will take the opportunity to let you all know that you can still join the #RewindKAL. There is no pressure, you can join in with whatever you choose and just take...
Episode 86: Knitting on a Train
Listen here Intro There can be no escaping EYF chat this week, though there is no rubbing noses in it, I promise. Key points include attending the pub with some podcast Patrons – the benefits are endless folks, get involved. A big thank you to everyone who brought cards and gifts for me, it really...
Episode 85: The Little Grey Girl – An Interview with Gemma Dudley
Listen Here Intro Just a short intro this week, I’m saving myself for an epic catch up and lots of shout outs next week after EYF. Which will come up lots this week as it’s very nearly here. In that vein I am rekindling my love affair with Periscope so if you cant be at...
Episode 84: Yarns From The Plain – An Interview with Nic Rudd
Listen Here Intro This week we’re joined by the wonderful Nic Rudd of Yarns From The Plain, purveyor of lovely British hand dyed yarns and voice of the Yarns From The Plain podcast.
Episode 83: An Interview with Helen Lockhart of Ripplescrafts
Listen Here Intro Before I jump into my interview with the delightful Helen, I have a couple of worthwhile diversions. Firstly, do not forget about the upcoming #RewindKAL…as if you could! Join us for all the chat and bants in the Ravelry group. I also had a bit of a roadtrip this week and a...
Episode 82: Commit
Listen Here Intro The podcast is brought to you this week from Daan Saaf, still with Real Ale though, obviously. This week I’m taking the time to point you in the direction of two of my latest little hobbies, Anchor and Snapchat. I like Anchor because its audio messaging and I have a face for...
Episode 81: Re-Rewind
Listen Here Intro This week I follow on from last weeks sing-along with a bit of Craig David, including a quick biograghy (for those who missed that 15 minutes of the noughties in the UK) and an eyebrow homage… The original… David does Bieber… Merrion does David… I am also giving a gentle reminder to...
Episode 80: Relax
Listen Here Intro This week I am back to something resembling my old bouncy self and am using this platform to impart wise words about not biting off more than you can chew and ‘caning it’. Oh and chatting very enthusiastically about Zoolander. Blue Steel! Zoolander KAL anyone?? It’s all a bit sing-songy this week...
Episode 79: OwlPrintPanda – An Interview with Amanda B Collins
Listen Here Intro This week I very warmly, if somewhat gruffly, welcome Amanda on to the show for an interview. Having previously enabled you to her new collection I was delighted to see more of her work on the front cover on Knit Now magazine. Enjoy some slight sidelines and finding out more about Amanda,...
Episode 78: What to Knit in 2016
Listen Here Intro This weeks episode follows on from goal setting and includes what I pinky promise to knit this year. It’s all about embracing your stash, however disorganised, and the unbridled joy it brings. Maybe now is the time to actually get some of that yarny loveliness out of the box and get knitting....
Episode 77: Knitting Goals
Listen Here Intro This week’s episode follows on from the excitement of preparing for the knitty events of the year to looking at what you want to achieve in your knitting this year. Lots of people are cracking out new planners and diaries, so it’s a great time to think about how to get to...
Episode 76: Knitting Calendar
Listen Here Intro Hello and welcome to the first episode of 2016. I hope you all enjoyed the festive period and got plenty of knitting time in!
Episode 75: Joyeux Noel
Image Details: ‘Esprit de Noël’ by Christophe Pinard, via Flickr. Listen Here Intro This week it’s a fairly pensive and reflective mini-essay to start the podcast, prompted by an email from Marguerite in Australia (who drives the biggest trains in the world – amazing!) who reminded me about the time in Africa when the power...
Episode 74: Knitivity
Image Details: ‘Knitted Nativity Scene’ by Andrea_44, via Flickr. Listen Here Intro Today we begin with some festive chatter about that most traditional of Christmas activities – the nativity play. I was a cultural experience in the North of England, including a Yoda Donkey, highly flammable sheep and a Rockport-boot and Phantom of the Opera...
Episode 73: The Three Little Pigs
Listen Here Intro This week we’re having a bit of a crafty catch up and a few laughs along with it. Come and be lightly enabled and hear a bit of knitted spud banter. It’s back to the usual tangential humour after a crazy couple of weeks at Casa Shiny. Enablers’ Corner Come and be...
Episode 72: An Interview with Alice Elsworth of Whistlebare Yarns
Listen Here Intro This week we welcome back Alice Elsworth of Whistlebare Yarns in Northumberland for our entrepreneur interview. Having given us loads of great mohair knowledge in episode 69, I can’t wait for you to hear all about life on the farm.
Episode 71: Lace Knits
Listen Here Intro Welcome to another rip-roaring episode of the podcast. The Beadalong has cast on and you are welcome to join in.
Episode 70: An Interview With Boo Knits
Listen Here Intro This week I am delighted to bring Bev aka Boo Knits onto the show for an interview! After knitting her Out of Darkness pattern – known to listeners of the show as the ‘Shawl of Awesome’- I was keen to chat to her and hear about her journey into designing and what...
Episode 69: Man Socks
Listen Here Intro Hello and welcome to episode 69 of the podcast, from a new location, in England! This week, there’s a bit of chatter about moving house – again – and the calamities that come with that. Jo catchup complete, there is a plan afoot to visit Countess Ablaze at her studio on Swinton...
Episode 68: Socks, Yeah! An Interview with Rachel Coopey
Listen Here Intro This week, we’re going to be chatting to British knitwear designer Rachel Coopey. Next week, I’ll be joined by Alice Elsworth from Whistlebare Yarns in Northumberland who will be answering your mohair questions. You’ve only got until tomorrow to get your questions in to me via email or via the comments below...
Episode 67: Mo’ Mohair
Image Details: ‘ull mohair’ by AnnaKika, via Flickr Listen Here Intro It’s another mohair heavy episode today where we talk about different yarns which contain mohair. There really is something for everyone in terms of taste, spin, weigh and price point, along with some unusual blends to consider. In news, we bid a fond farewell...
Episode 66 – The Diamond Fibre
Image Details: ‘Angora Goat’ by noricum, via Flickr. Listen Here Intro Hello and welcome to another rip-roaring episode of the Shinybees podcast. Today we have the return of Enablers’ Corner, some chat about mohair – the diamond fibre – and its properties, particularly in sock knitting. Following that, we round up with a rundown of...
Episode 65: National Knitting Week
Image Details: ‘Striped Leg Warmers’ by Star Athena, via Flickr. Listen Here Intro This week’s all about wool. Wool everywhere! Wool Week in the UK runs from 5-11th October as does National Knitting Week. So, there’s a bit of chatter about what’s happening round and about for that. Also, there’s some parish notices: the podcast...
Episode 64: Socktober Happenings
Listen Here Intro Hello and welcome to another episode of the podcast, where this week, we’ll be talking about things that are happening in Socktober – the month of sock knitting! I also have excellent news to share (with a huge thank you) and some take away thoughts from New media Europe. We also have...
Episode 63: Over the Hills and Back to London!
Image Details: ‘Super Mario’ by Tom Newby, via Flickr. Listen Here Intro This week sees somewhat of a return to the usual format, with the Enablers’ Corner front and centre, some knitty news and the infamous Shinybees Pattern Pick, inspired by that everyone’s favourite plumber, Mario. There’s also a précis of the Yarn In The...
Episode 62: An Interview with Kate Atherley
Listen Here Intro It’s the final of our regular interview sessions before returning to regular programming next week. We will be welcoming Kate Atherley onto the show to talk about working in the yarn industry, as well as to give us some top tips for knitting socks to get us back in the swing for...
Episode 61: Hat Architect – An Interview with Woolly Wormhead
Listen here Sponsor This episode of the Shinybees podcast is sponsored by Yarn in the City. Yarn in the City creates experiential yarn-centric events for knitters and makers, designed to bring people together through a shared love of craft. Yarn in the City organises the annual Great London Yarn Crawl taking place this year on...
Episode 60: Forensic Psychobiology to Wool Emporium – An Interview with Leona-Jayne Kelly of Fluph
Listen here Sponsor This episode of the Shinybees podcast is sponsored by Yarn in the City. Yarn in the City creates experiential yarn-centric events for knitters and makers, designed to bring people together through a shared love of craft. Yarn in the City organises the annual Great London Yarn Crawl taking place this year on...
Episode 59: Self-Stripe Madness – An Interview with Michelle Berry of Berry Colourful Yarnings
Listen Here Sponsor This episode of the Shinybees podcast is sponsored by Yarn in the City. Yarn in the City creates experiential yarn-centric events for knitters and makers, designed to bring people together through a shared love of craft. Yarn in the City organises the annual Great London Yarn Crawl taking place this year on...
Episode 58: Cast On! An Interview with Brenda Dayne
Listen here Sponsor This episode of the Shinybees podcast is sponsored by Yarn in the City. Yarn in the City creates experiential yarn-centric events for knitters and makers, designed to bring people together through a shared love of craft. Yarn in the City organises the annual Great London Yarn Crawl taking place this year on...
Episode 57: Make It Fit – An Interview with Amy Herzog
Listen Here Sponsor This episode of the Shinybees podcast is sponsored by Yarn in the City. Yarn in the City creates experiential yarn-centric events for knitters and makers, designed to bring people together through a shared love of craft. Yarn in the City organises the annual Great London Yarn Crawl taking place this year on...
Episode 55: Vintage Shetland Project – An Interview With Susan Crawford
Listen Here Intro Hello and welcome to this special episode of the show, where I am thrilled to welcome Susan Crawford to the show. A UK-based knitwear designer who specialises in vintage design and fashion history, with four books already published and stocked in the V&A and Waterstones as well as within the British Library,...
Episode 54: Yarn In The City: An Interview with Allison Thistlewood and Rachel Brown
Listen Here Intro This week I am thrilled to welcome Allison Thistlewood and Rachel Brown onto the show to talk about all things yarn and business. These two ladies are great fun to chat to, so I am sure you’ll find this bumper episode entertaining.
Episode 53: Knitting Socks in Summer
Listen Here Intro KnitSpinCake’s Aimee is back at the mic. You can find her shop at Harbour Yarns. Also, tickets for the Great London Yarn Crawl go on sale 1st July 2015. Will you be there? All proceeds from the crawl go to Refuge.
Episode 52: How to Store your FOs
Image Details: ‘Asylum Storage’ by Forgotten Heritage, via Flickr. Listen Here Intro Here’s another episode to keep your knitty enabling high! There will be a short break in the podcast schedule over summer to allow for some resetting and forward planning for the next 6 months. Enablers’ Corner This week we’re enabling to the Scollayalong....
Episode 51: Still Got It
Listen Here Intro The Indie Burgh Yarn Crawl was a great success and I had lots of fun visiting the finer yarn shops in Edinburgh during this fun filled yarny weekend. I was chatted up by a five year old on the train, proving I have Still Got It. Obviously. I also attended Clare Devine’s...
Episode 50: Strictly No Baby Nudity – An Interview With Emily Wessel of Tin Can Knits and Rainbow Heirloom
Listen here Intro Hello and welcome to episode 50. A half century of podcast fun – who’d have thought it possible? This week, I’ve an exciting interview for you with Emily Wessel of Tin Can Knits and Rainbow Heirloom. First up, there’s a little MakeItFit2015 chatter as I announce that Louise and I will be...
Episode 48: Highland Wool Festival
Listen Here Intro This one is a departure from the usual format, as we take a laid back canter around the Highland Wool Festival. Allow me to enable you to some of the region’s best producers as well as some from further afield. Normal segments return next week.
Episode 47: Calamities and Curiosities
Image Details: ‘Le cabinet de curiosité de Bonnier de la Mosson’ by Dodeckahedron, via Flickr. Listen Here News The Highland Wool Festival is taking place at Dingwall Mart on 23 May 2015. The exhibitor list is now available.
Episode 46: Enabling 101
Listen here Intro Hello and welcome back for another podcast. I am very glad to see the back of the General Election here in the UK for a number of reasons. My advice is to be a doer. This episode is mostly about enabling. Again. News There will be a trunk show at my beloved...
Episode 45: Short Row Variations and Summer Knitting Patterns
Listen Here Sponsor This episode is sponsored by Blacker Yarns. Lyonesse is a new 50% linen, 50% wool yarn, available in DK and 4ply weights, specially developed for your summer knitting needs. Perfect for creating cool, breathable garments and lacy shawls, the linen content ensures this yarn retains its block beautifully. To order, visit www.blackeryarns.co.uk...
Go On Retreat With Brenda Dayne at Gwlana
Ever fancied yourself taking a bit of time out of life to relax, knit and spend time in the company of like minded people? Developed by knitting podcaster and designer Brenda Dayne, the Gwlana retreat takes place in Wales twice a year, with the next retreat happening on the weekend of 15-18th May 2015. There’s...
Episode 44: Summer Knitting Yarns
Listen Here Intro This week, there’s a roundup of news from the yarn world, including a new online yarn store opening its doors as well as podcast latest. Enablers’ Corner sees a focus on which yarns to use for summer knitting, as well as a rundown of some commercial and indie dyed blends containing cotton,...
Ep 176 – A Hybrid Yarn Festival?
A Hybrid Yarn Festival What’s a hybrid yarn festival anyway? This week we’re exploring the evolution of yarn festivals through the past year or so. Many of the festivals were forced to cancel their in person offer thanks to restrictions. Some have looked to alternative methods of putting on their event. After discussing the idea...