Image Details: ‘Untitled’ by rottnapples, via Flickr.
Hello and welcome to episode 18 of the podcast. The first step is indeed admitting you have a problem, when it comes to solving the mother of all knitting funks, it would seem!
Listen here
First up: Haggis Pakora. It’s a Thing.
Image Details: ‘Haggis Pakora’ by mudbarn, via Flickr.
Recent explorations in the local area included a trip to the St Andrews Brewing Co and Eden Brewery.
The Indie Burgh Yarn Crawl took place this weekend gone in Edinburgh, hosted by Ginger Twist Studios, Be Inspired Fibres and Kathy’s Knits. It was a roaring success! There are already plans for a second annual crawl next year if you missed out this time.
Aimee of knit.spin.cake podcast is opening a yarn store! Follow @HarbourYarns for updates and check out her latest episode for full details.
Preparations for Unwind Brighton are reaching fever pitch! Come along and meet some podcaster types and some of your favourite Ravelry folk at 1pm on the Saturday. Please get in touch with me via or any of my social media channels if you would like to help out on the p-hop stall on either day, or contact Kate directly.
The Golden Skein
Feel free to come and join the TGS Ravelry group for lots of friendly chatter and ideas for how to free your Golden Skeins!
First up is Ginger’s Hand Dyed Sturdy Splendour in the colour way ‘Samradh.’ This is 75% Superwash Organic Merino, 25% A1 Mulberry Silk.
Image Copyright The Golden Skein.
Aimee from knit.spin.cake has knitted a Dragonfly Wings in this yarn by Boo Knits.

Dragonfly Wings shawl by Aimee Nicholson. Image reproduced here with kind permission of Aimee Nicholson.
Next we have Desert Vista Dyeworks Viso in the colour way ‘The Fruits of Summer.’ This is a 75% Superwash Merino, 25% Nylon base, self-striping with 7 colour bands.
Image Copyright The Golden Skein.
This is being knitted up into Endless Rainbow by Martina Behm by a The Golden Skein club member, in combination with the ‘Miss Wilmott’s Ghost’ colour way by Yarn Garden from the ‘Tornado Over London’ collection. It’s genius!
Finally we have a fresh new base from the fabulous Sparkleduck. Going by the name ‘Nimbus’, this is a 60% Superwash Merino, 20% Silk and 20% Yak base and is in the colour way ‘Plumbleberry Compote’. The best place to get your hands on this brand new base in her collection, would be one of the yarn shows. Sparkleduck will be at Unwind Brighton!
Image Copyright The Golden Skein.
Quarter 3 sign ups were opened early on air and so you can join now if the fancy takes you, over at The Golden Skein. The photo is ‘Harvest’ by tranuf.
Yarn Shop Review: Ginger Twist Studio in Edinburgh
A review of the fabulous vintage inspired indie yarn shop that is Ginger Twist Studio. Owned by Jess, dyer of the Samradh colour way for the Summer TGS club. Sassy, glamorous and American, she rocks the vintage chic with aplomb. Check out her range of yarns from Brigantia to Afghani Cashmere, with great notions and needles from Hiya Hiya. She also has a packed workshop schedule featuring Clare Devine as sock supremo teacher.
Wippin’ Piccadilly aka How to Get Out of Your Knitting Funk
Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions on how to get out of the house that funk built. Tips included a ruthless wip audit (thank you, Louise Scollay) which I decided to do and have now frogged the Kebnekaise socks. This will be re-balled and released into the wild. That’s right, I need someone to stop my abuse of this yarn and give it the home it so richly deserves. If you would like to be in it to win it, pop a comment on the thread in the Ravelry group.
Other suggestions included distraction, so I spent several hours in Fluph knitting on it and shooting the breeze, which was quite successful.
Next fantasy knit is the In Threes Baby Cardigan.
Wrap Up
Thanks very much for listening. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome, as are iTunes recommendations. Please feel free to get in touch vis the blog, email (, Twitter, Facebook or Ravelry.
I just saw that you used my haggis pakora picture. Cheers!
Haggis Pakora is the stuff of genius. Thanks for making the photo available on Flickr!
How do I get a pattern for Dragonfly Wings shawl by Aimee Nicholson? I love it and have the perfect
yarn for it. Thank you.
Hi there – the pattern is by Boo Knits and you can find it on Ravelry.