Episode 1: Send in the Hogs!

Son/daughter of Billy

Hello and welcome to the shownotes for the first official Shinybees podcast. For those of you coming back after the Pilot Episode, great to see you again, and a warm welcome to any new listeners.

Listen here


This week, Jo talks mostly about warthogs. There are a few thank-yous to kick off the show, to Martine of iMake, The Gingerbread Bunny, Louise of Caithness Craft Collective and Green Triangle Girl of A Playful Day podcast. You can also read about the world’s greatest electronics project.

The Skinder (3:40)

The latest warthog watch happenings are discussed, along with a little bit of snakey chat.

Wippin’ Piccadilly (12:50)

The Damask is still ongoing. Who invented nupps by the way? They seem to have no redeeming features whatsoever. The Knitpro tips have arrived from Woolstack in the UK, so work can recommence on the Owls jumper. There is a pair of socks for the Ravellenics on the needles, which have morphed from Kebnekaise to plain old vanilla, Milly’s socks from the Twisted Sisters Sock Book and I am desperado to cast on Stripe Study thanks to some new Nurturing Fibres yarn bought at the weekend.

Off the needles is Emma’s Hat and the Knitted Aeroplane Toy.

There is no sewing news this week as I have banged on too much about knitting, so I promise to do a full update in the next episode.

South Africa Section (26:25)

This week we welcome friend of the show, and genuine, real life South African, Tanya, who tells us all about the South African social tradition that is the braai.

Review (33:20)

Jo’s thoughts on the Twisted Sisters Sock Workbook by Lynne Vogel.

Wrap up (36:35)

Thanks for listening. Please feel free to get in touch, it is always fab to hear from listeners. Email me on shinybeesinfo@gmail.com, I am Shinybees on Twitter and Ravelry, where we also now have a group for the podcast, or leave a comment of this post if you prefer. Lekker crafting!

4 comments on “Episode 1: Send in the Hogs!

  1. Macs are for geeks!?

    Just because you are in Africa it doesn’t mean I can’t have you charged for blasphemy and inciting religious hatred.

    May Steve Jobs forgive your sinful microsoft ways and save you from windows 8.

    1. Shinybees says:

      I like to put in slightly inflammatory comments just to check that Milly is listening when he checks the final draft for me!

  2. I laughed out loud when you explained both dogs had the same name..
    Enjoying your stories while I’m beavering away here in Peru.

    1. Shinybees says:

      Worschie continues to haunt me periodically. Unfortunately, HBM has now cottoned on to where he lives and insists on shouting ‘Worshie doggy woof woof’ whenever we walk past. Not ideal for keeping Houdini-hound in his garden!

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