Image Details: ‘Sock Monster.’ by laurenbeth93, via Flickr.
It would seem that I have fallen into a trap. A trap that favourite podcasters and bloggers have often declared that they would avoid. Knitting something that life is indeed too short for. An item of knitwear I too, would never bother with because, well, I just didn’t get it. Until now, that is.
Yes, I’m talking about knitting socks.
I’ve often wondered why the favourites list in Ravelry held so many different sock patterns. I mean, really: who is going to spend so long knitting something that no-one will probably see, because it is inside your shoes? And there has got to be huge potential for accidentally washing one finely crafted cashmere sock with the baby cottons, resulting in a felted wonder that would now probably fit the baby. Encouraged chiefly by my friend Cath aka Knitter Scarlet, who has knitted some lovely socks, and by Martine iMake, who owns the ‘life’s too short’ comment as well as Chloe from SparklyShoesAreFaster, I decided to give it a whirl. After all, I needed a slightly more handbag friendly project…
Never normally one to be sucked in by pretty coloured ‘designer’ needles, if you will, as I am a bona-fide vintage Granny needle knitter as these don’t break when sat on by Mr Shinybees or the dogs, I was as surprised as the next knitting geek when a set of Knitpro Symphonie Sock DPNs ‘fell’ into my online shopping basket, along with 2 balls of Regia sock yarn. I blame Cath. She alerted me to the fact that metal DPNs can fall out when you are trying to do socks as they are slippery and heavier, so I took the plunge after petting her set of Knitpros. No dodgy work-woman blaming her vintage knitting irons here, it would seem.
I opted for Silver’s sock tutorial, again on Cath’s recommendation. I seem to be getting the hang of the thin needles after spending so long doing 4mm needle baby clothes patterns, although it was a bit like writing with your left hand to start with. Unless, of course, you are left handed. Which I’m not. It is just the plain rib pattern on the Come to Silver website but I think it looks quite good so far. The only problem is, I’m enjoying it. No really, it’s good fun. I have even been eyeing up Double Heelix in a ‘run before you can turn a heel, let alone a two-colour one’ type of way. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Next stop: sock yarn club!
Oooh that is fab!! Great work! Look out for a socky post from me on the iMake blog over the next few days. I have been having a few socky frustrations and am in need of heel guidance 🙂 Tee hee! Also I have just written my monthly craft column which will be out in a month or so and its title is “Life’s too short for…” What a co-incidence!
Thanks Martine! I haven’t quite got to the heel turning yet, so hopefully your blog post will inspire me through the frustrations ahead!
sock is looking fabulous! I’ve just not managed to get into sock knitting….although I’m hoping to get a pair on the go as it is such good handbag knitting! fab blog post 🙂
Thanks Chloe! Almost at the turning the heel stage after a bit of power-knitting last night watching XXX – Mr Shinybees’ choice, needless to say. Vin Diesel may be muscly but the storyline didn’t require much following!