Ep 176 – A Hybrid Yarn Festival?
A Hybrid Yarn Festival What’s a hybrid yarn festival anyway? This week we’re exploring the evolution of yarn festivals through the past year or so. Many of the festivals were forced to cancel their in person offer thanks to restrictions. Some have looked to alternative methods of putting on their event. After discussing the idea...
Ep 175 – Liz’s Lucky Scarf
Knitting, gin, books and a lucky scarf This week’s show is dedicated to Liz Marley aka @greensideknits, dear friend and listener of the podcast. An epic knitter and all round awesome, kind and witty person who will be very sadly missed. General Update There’s a general update to get us started, with the tale of...
Ep 172 – Great Yarns For Baby and Kids Knits
Great Yarns For Baby and Kids Knits Following on from ep 171, today we are covering some of my go-to yarns for baby and kids knits. Split into 3 sections, we’ll cover 4ply, DK and patterned yarns, at a variety of price points. There are also different fibres covered, so if you don’t like animal...
Ep 171 – Knitting Patterns For New Babies
Knitting Patterns For New Babies I’m now an Auntie! And that means I actually need to produce some knitwear for the little fella. As such, it seemed a good idea to talk about good knitting patterns for new babies. Some hand-me-down hand knits from Sanimal that were knitted by my Mother-in-Law have already been sent...
Ep 170 – Knitting Trends for 2021
What will be the knitting trends for hand knitters in 2021? Not that I am in any way an authority on the finer points of craft fashion and popularity, but these are my predictions for what will be the knitting trends for 2021. Knitting Trends For 2021 1. Intarsia It’s not the first time Intarsia...
Ep 169 – Knitting Challenges For 2021
Knitting Challenges for 2021 It’s a new year so naturally, there’s a lot of chat around about challenges, projects and planning. Today’s episode is about knitting challenges. Are you taking part in any for 2021? Don’t worry if you aren’t; hopefully this episode will still be useful for you, and there is no lack-of-challenge shaming!...
Ep 167 – A Pod of Christmas Past
Funny Christmas Knitting Patterns Funny Christmas knitting patterns are order of the day. This week we take a trip down memory lane to 2014, and a pattern pick I originally recorded for A Playful Day podcast. It’s a Christmas themed one, and it – of course – contains some great comedy knitting patterns. There’s also...
Ep 166 – A Scotch Egg is Not a Substantial Knit
A Scotch Egg to Knit? A Scotch Egg is not a substantial knit. Today’s episode is once again inspired by the creative blessing that is Lockdown 2020. We’re in Tier 3 – STILL – in the North West of England and going to the pub is a distant summer memory. But for those lucky people...