I have some great news!
The podcast has made it through to the finals of the New Media Europe Awards in two categories: Best UK Podcast and Audience Appreciation Award.
Thank you to everyone who voted for the podcast in the first round. The second round of voting is taking place via Twitter and here’s the skinny on what you need to know.
1) Voting runs from 31st May until 10th June.
2) You can vote as many times as you like, but only one tweet per day counts in each category.
3) The winner will be decided on a combination of 50% number of votes (so you really are important, every vote counts) and 50% independent panel judgement.
To vote, head over to this blog post, click on Shinybees and a pop-up will appear which will allow you to tweet your support. Do this for both categories, each day until the 10th June. Don’t forget to vote for Ravelry too in the Best Community category.
Thanks for your support and remember to vote every day until the 10th! I’ll be putting reminders on Twitter each day (thank you, Buffer!) to help jog your memory too.
The Shinybees podcast was awarded the Most Engaged Audience award at New Media Europe in 2015.
The category of Most Engaged Audience is against all podcasts genres and not just Games & Hobbies podcasts. The main criteria for this award is community engagement. Fifty per cent of the marks came from votes cast for the podcast, and fifty per cent awarded by an independent expert panel.
Love this Podcast. Jo is very entertaining, warm and friendly. She has great interviews with designers and craft talented people that are so enjoyable to listen to and learn from.
Thank you Zoë!