
Episode 96: This Thing of Paper – An Interview with Karie Westermann

Intro Straight into the news this week as I have so much of it. Firstly, I want to thank you all for your wonderful positive feedback on last week’s episode and my time with Countess Ablaze. A lot of the feedback was around how well she copes with her autism, and how it doesn’t stop…

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Episode 95: Orange Mocha Frappucino with Countess Ablaze

  Intro Hola everyone, I am back from my ‘holiday’. Don’t let the flippant Spanish there throw you off, I’ve not been anywhere and haven’t even had time to knit! In fact I’m still knitting the lace panel for #RewindKAL. Been very busy with other things and Casa Shiny is like a madhouse as usual…

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New Media Europe Awards

I have some great news! The podcast has made it through to the finals of the New Media Europe Awards in two categories: Best UK Podcast and Audience Appreciation Award. Thank you to everyone who voted for the podcast in the first round. The second round of voting is taking place via Twitter and here’s…

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Episode 93 – Alpaca Love

Listen Here Intro These hot temperatures are having some side effects, I need to open my windows for survival. That means the choice between some potential atmospheric background noise or an unconscious host. I’ve soldiered on in the belief that I’m pretty pivotal to this podcast and chosen the former. As summer approaches we are…

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Episode 92: Midwinter Yarns – An Interview with Estelle Faust

Listen Here Intro I am delighted to welcome Estelle this week. I always enjoy the Midwinter Yarns stalls and particularly their banter so I was thrilled when she agreed to be interviewed on the show…twice. For those who are not familiar with them they are into traditional, robust yarn but with a modern style –…

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Episode 91: Is that it?

Listen Here Intro I’ve had lots of happy messages this week, which is nice. First off, LJ is alive, arse and all, and managed to run the whole ruddy thing. Amongst my other lovely messages was one that particularly made me smile. It was from Lisa and made me realise that we need to relax…

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Episode 90: Curious Handmade- An interview with Helen Stewart

Listen Here Intro So first things first, my mental and yet fabulous (obviously) assistant LJ is running the London marathon this weekend. She has broken her arse as a result of yarn fumes, sort of, so listen in for the full comedy breakdown of the incident. If you should take pity on the poor maniac…

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Episode 89: Paula Abdul Would Be Proud

listen Here Intro This wee’s episode is a little later than planned but here nonetheless. Paula Abdul discussed the concept of two steps forward and two back. If you’ve not heard ‘Opposites Attract’ for a while, I bring it to you for your listening delight.

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Episode 88: The Wool Kitchen – An Interview with Helen Reed

Listen Here Intro A short intro this week as the old croaky voice is threatening a return. This week I am thrilled to bring you the other half of my Best in Show EYF winning double act – Helen from The Wool Kitchen. She is from the wrong side of the Pennines but a good…

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